BD28 NEW is available in various capacities (0.5ml, 1ml) and incorporates a dual airflow design to ensure smooth inhalation without any obstructions,and equipped with the best porosity ceramic coil: Kucoil, equipped with the best porosity ceramic coil: Kucoil, atomization is يونيفارم، پاڪ ذائقي حاصل ڪرڻ.
● ڊيلٽا 8 / D8 / 9 / CBD / THC / THC / THC / THC / THC / THCA / RACC / MACC / RESCE / ROSINE / MOSINEND.
The BD40 is a sleek and compact electronic vaporizer featuring a button activation, a visible oil window, and a fourth-generation atomizer core, ensuring exceptional atomization of various oils.Customizable colors and oil inlet sizes cater to different brand logos, distinguishing it among numerous مصنوعات.
● It was born for Delta8/THC. ان ۾ ٻٽي ايئر چينل آهن. If your oil is very thick, it will help you avoid clogging, and BD29 is equipped with a ceramic heating coil with the best porosity: KuCoil, it can make your oil Very good taste.
● ڊيلٽا 8 / D8 / 9 / CBD / THC / THC / THC / THC / THCA / SHC / RACC / RACIN / ROCIN / MOSIN / MOSIN / MONCON / MINCON.
bd29-F | بوشانگ سمارٽ اسڪرين سان گڏ سڀني کان هڪ ڊسپوزيبل آهي
BD29-F هڪ نن screen ڙي اسڪرين، هڪ ڪالم مفت ڊزائن ۽ هڪ وڏي ونڊو صاف تيل جي نمائش لاء. سمارٽ اسڪرين هڪ نظر ۾ بيٽري جي سطح ڏيکاري ٿو، ۽ آسان چارجنگ انويشن ۽ آساني سان اضافو ڪري ٿو.
● ڊيلٽا 8 / D8 / 9 / CBD / THC / THC / THC / THC / THC / THCA / RACC / MACC / RESCE / ROSINE / MOSINEND.